
Charity working for change in intimate partner violence and abuse recognises Ignition expertise

Charity working for change in intimate partner violence and abuse recognises Ignition expertise

The Stefanou Foundation is a philanthropic foundation helping new parents to address issues about which they have concerns. This includes intimate partner violence and abuse.

Like the Family Nurse Partnership, the Healthy Relationships: Healthy Baby programme offered by Stefanou understands that supportive early intervention in couples facing such issues can ameliorate the chronic psychological and emotional damage and damage to life chances experienced by children living in such families.

Dr Mark Farrall said: "It was a pleasure to work with a staff group so open to  research and a gender-inclusive perspective, and so open to the notion of effective, respectful, strengths-based work to facilitate change with individuals normally and judgementally labelled as 'perpetrators'. We hope that this training may be the beginning of a fruitful relationship in supporting therapeutically-informed working and moving away from a narrow dead-end analysis which continues to foreground gender and 'power and control'."

100% of trainees rated themslves as Satisfied or Very Satisfied with the training

Evaluation comments included:

“The trainers were interesting and engaging – I appreciated the way IPVA was woven into the training and not hearing  the words ‘perpetrator’ or ‘abuser’, once! Very refreshing!"

“Enjoyed exploring the dynamics between professional and service user and how MI can be used to help achieve an outcome-driven way for service user to develop that positive rapport building. DV specific focus.”

"The exercises helped to reinforce the approach and learning. The trainers are excellent, very knowledgeable and great delivery of the materials. One of the best training courses that I’ve attended. Refreshing! My practise will be improved by this training.”

“How useful it will be to use this with service users in our programme + the thinking around working withmen who use violence and abuse – so refreshing to see this movement”