Action For Change

Group Programme for Men

Action for Change is a six month group work programme for men. It has been in use with non-convicted men since 2003 with the South Tyneside Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Project and independently evaluated (see our Document Library).

It is evident from … that the programme was balancing the need to provide support for the men to address their own emotional issues, while simultaneously holding them accountable for their behaviour. This is not an easy task, but as these interview extracts show, if achieved, then both are experienced as positive and life changing.

Williamson & Hestor 2009 p29

Clients can choose from a menu of elements to construct your provision:

RADAR Risk Assessment Instrument

Using a structured clinical judgement format, the RADAR gauges static and dynamic risk factors to provide a time-limited estimate of risk of physical assault, and enhance risk management.

The RADAR also provides an excellent basis for reports, recording pertinent issues and progress across a number of metrics, session by session.

A full training package is available to ensure the RADAR is delivered in an engaging manner, congruent with Motivational Interviewing

Action: One to one motivational pre-group programme

This four session motivational programme bridges the gap from initial referral to entry to group programme, often a period of high attrition.

The programme works with high levels of resistance, engaging a man and increasing intrinsic motivation, clarifying levels of importance and confidence about addressing the issue.

Action: Core group programme

This is a rolling programme model of therapeutically-informed work, founded in Motivational Interviewing and addressing research-based treatment needs for this client group.

The core programme makes the most extensive use of engaging and effective experiential methods of any current programme existing. The aim is to enable men to develop 'new solutions to old problems':

  • Teaching practical skills and strategies
  • Enhancing empathy and perspective taking

Please contact us to discuss your interest in this programme.